5 Cheap Garden Upgrades That Are Pure Genius

5 years ago
Helen M
fake lawn under budget

A well-kept garden transforms outdoor space like nothing else. It adds tons to the curb appeal of a home. You can enjoy quality time with your loved ones in the outdoor sanctuary.

When not relaxing, indulge in the healthy habit of gardening. It is good for your health as well as your pocket. When real grass gets too difficult to maintain, opt for synthetic turf.

Moreover, genius garden upgrades add value without busting your budget. Growing a spectacular garden is cheaper than you anticipate. Here is a list of cheap and pure genius upgrades.

These gardening tips are worth trying

1. Build A Pond In Your Garden

One of the best ways to transform your garden is to build a DIY pond. It adds a burst of color and creativity in your landscape. It attracts more birds to your backyard. A pond indirectly helps in pollination. Here is how to build a DIY pond. You might need help from a friend.

  • Decide on the location after calling your dig line.
  • Get done with the accurate measurements you need. 1.5 feet depth is suitable for most of the aquatic plants.
  • Keep the corners round for a natural look.
  • Add an EPDM pond liner over the 2-inch layer of sand in the pond dig. Cover all the crevices carefully.
  • Purchase a water feature to aerate the pond. Install it in the center.
  • Line the edges with pebbles and stones for aesthetic appeal.
  • Fill the pond with a garden hose and keep it clean.

2. Solar Powered Ambience

Bring ambiance to your garden by adding light fixtures. Get rid of the bulbs powered with utility and add solar-powered lights. The solar lights are inexpensive and can be used in large numbers. You will not have to worry about utility bills.

The fairy lights can be incorporated in the yard in amazingly creative ways. They are easily available in retail stores. These lights bring a pretty soft glow to your patio and garden. Arrange them in the tree branches or suspend them on the canes.

3. Use Repurposed Home Items

The old storage items can be repurposed to oomph up your gardens. Old cabinets can be repainted to be used as pot boxes. An old chandelier can be used to light the sitting areas.

Moreover, they are suitable to hang under the trees as bird feeders. Terracotta planters can be used to light up the pathways. Old buckets can be used as plant pots.

4. Focus On Edging

Clearly defined edges are essential for neat looking gardens. Follow these easy steps to create fine edges for trees and flower beds.

  • Mark the lines with a garden hose for creating neat edges.
  • Use a string or spade to deepen the cut up to six inches.
  • Place hand shears vertically along the turf to create razor-sharp edges.
  • Mulch the bed to suppress the weeds. The dark-colored mulch adds a rich texture in the landscape.

5. Opt For Synthetic Turf

If you want to create spectacular gardens without getting your hands dirty, opt for synthetic grass. It eliminates the need for potentially harmful pesticides and herbicides. It helps conserve water. Homeowners cherish the fake grass for its low maintenance needs with an amazingly realistic look.