Top 5 Natural Oils to Boost Your Skin Health

5 years ago
Warda Malik

A wise lady (Demi Moore: American Actress, Model, Singer, Song Writer) once said,

“I’m a big believer in that if you focus on good skincare, you really won’t need a lot of make-up.”

And it cannot get more true. A healthy, hydrated, soft and supple skin makes you feel confident and presentable on-the-go. I am not in any sense undermining the importance of makeup as it actually enhances your natural beauty and can make you look stunning but; when it comes to the proportion, Minimalism is the key. Less is more. Makeup and cosmetics contain certain chemical contents that can have side effects and in order to look absolutely gorgeous with minimal makeup on, you first need to make sure that you have a healthy and glowing skin.

Good news is that the road to healthy, beautiful and glowing skin isn’t really a long one. You just need to turn to mother nature and add the following natural oils in your daily skincare regime.


  1. Argon Oil

Skin experts consider Argon Oil as a “Holy Grail” for skin products, and that for the right reasons. The natural oil is rich in powerful nutrients that include, omega fatty acids, linoleic acids, tocopherol and lots of antioxidants. Owing to the high nutritional elements, argon oil feeds your skin with everything that it needs.

Argon oil can help you with the following,

  • The antioxidants in the oil reduce acne and bumps
  • Fights the signs of aging
  • Can be also used to treat cuticles, dead cells, and stimulate hair growth

How to apply Argon Oil:

For beginners, you can get started by applying a few drops on your face before you go to bed. As you get along and experience results, you can also use the oil as a moisturizer 2-3 times day. Pour not more than 2 drops on your palm and gently massage the product on your face. Let the oil penetrate in your skin and wipe off the excess oil with a clean towel on cloth.


  1. Lavender Essential Oil:

Lavender essential is one of the most recommended oils for skin care. The oil contains essential nutrients and some even refer it as a super-food for skin. The best thing about lavender oil is it has a fresh aroma that helps you relax. Owing to its immense anti-inflammatory properties, the oil has innumerable benefits for skin.

Some top of the line benefits of Lavender essential oil are:

  • Kills bacteria, prevents acne and stimulates recovery
  • Soothes eczema and dry skin
  • Aids in skin lightening and removes face wrinkles

How To Use Lavender Essential Oil?

Lavender essential oil can be added in your skin care regime in multiple ways. You can either take it orally, apply it to your skin or even breathe in through aroma therapy. If you intend to apply on damaged skin, its wise to use a cotton ball. For wrinkle and dry skin, massage a few drops of oil on your face with clean and gentle figures.


  1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has taken the center of the stage by being a beauty multi-tasker. The cute tropical trooper offers a host of health benefits. In order to reap maximum benefits, use pure virgin coconut oil as it is rich in Vitamin E, healthy facts and also contains loads of fatty acids.

Coconut oil is simply awesome for skin and here the reasons why,

  • It helps your skin remain soft and supple even in rough weather
  • Prevents conditions like acne
  • Fights bacteria, prevents infections and protects skin against infection

How To use:

Take 1 teaspoon of pure virgin coconut oil and gently dab it all over your face with light gentle fingers. The best practice is to apply the oil before going to bed so that your skin absorbs the maximum oil. However, if you want to use coconut oil for acne, its wise to consult a specialist first.


  1. CBD Vape Oil

CBD products have taken over the entire beauty and fashion industry by storm. Celebrities have taken the step in the right direction and are now publicly endorsing and recommending CBD products for skin and overall well being. CBD vape oil contains cannabidiol – a natural compound known for its therapeutic properties.

Owing to the presence of strong antioxidants, CBD vape oil offers following benefits for skin,

  • Anti-Inflammatory agents in the oil fight Acne
  • Suppresses free radicals and allows your skin to recover in optimal time
  • Suppresses signs of aging


How to Use:

Carefully wash and dry your palm and pour a few drops of pure hemp oil and gently massage your face with it. If you want to apply on damaged skin, its recommended to apply and then cover the spot with a bandage and remove it after 24 hours.


  1. Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil is arguably one of the most potent oils and some beauticians even regard it as the “Fountain of Youth”.  Pure black seed oil is rich in anti-oxidants and it is a natural disinfectant. The benefits of black seed oil for our overall well-being are innumerable but here we will only focus on wonders it brings for our skin.

Here are top benefits of black seed oil for skin

  • Protects your skin against bacteria, dust and inflammation
  • keep your face radiant and moisturized
  • Effectively fills fine lines and wrinkles

Black seed oil can be consumed orally but for instant affects you can directly apply it on your skin. Its recommended to dilute the oil with water and then gently apply it on your skin. Wait till the skin absorbs the oil and use a light warm towel to wipe off the access oil.


The above mentioned 5 natural oils can be a perfect addition to your skin care routine. If you are missing out on any of these, its never too late. As the Chinese proverb says, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time