How to Determine the Best Pace During Marathon Events

6 years ago

Being prepared for a marathon can be quite exciting. As the day is nearing, you are feeling good and your adrenaline is pumping. However, you should make sure that you have done your homework and you have accomplished all tasks to ensure a successful participation in marathon. Among the important factors are choosing the most ideal pace. If you are running too fast, you may run out of steam easily. It takes trial and error to know what pace that’s ideal for you. Any accomplished marathon runner knows that going out too fast will set you up for a failure. If you run out of steam, your energy reserve will be depleted too soon and you can’t achieve anything meaningful.

You can determine the best pace in your training runs. Through multiple long runs, you will be able to test your pace and choose the one that works best for you. When doing marathon training, you should be incorporate at least one long running session each week. You should build the distance slowly, until you can match the distance of the marathon event. The key is to make your body fully accustomed to long distance running sessions. You should learn how your body reacts to extra physical exertion. If you think that your pace is too slow compared to average marathon runners, you should reduce the running time per mile by 10 or 20 seconds at a time, by pushing yourself to run a bit faster.

In your next long run session, you should try out the faster pace and make sure that you can maintain it permanently. During training sessions, you may incorporate some walk breaks, as long as your average pace remains acceptable. Any marathon runner knows that it’s important to tweak the pace. As long as runners could cover a specific distance at a certain time, then the goal is achieved. You may schedule walk breaks in your marathon pace. Marathon runners should wear watch, so they can measure their pace during the race. Some smartwatches include sports-related apps, which include the average running speed and ETA to the finish line. You need to input the route into the smartwatch and you will be able to plan your pace. If the estimated time of arrival to different points in the route seems to be too long, then you need to speed up your pace. As an example, you may think that running for 33 minutes to cover a distance of 3 miles should be an acceptable goal. So, with a smartwatch, you can track that. You should use the technology to more accurately adjust your goal during a marathon race. In a marathon event, a well-programmed smartwatch can be among your best advantage. You won’t slack off and if it appears that you can have a walk break, then you can do it to regain some of your energy. Months before the event, you should work out the kinks and try to make sure that you can achieve a lot of things. As an example, after being able to complete your first marathon, your goal for the next marathon event could be to become among the top-200 runners.