A house party is all fun ‘n’ games until you wake up in the morning realizing you’ve still got a room full of hungover friends, beer and other bottles across the floor, as well as a load of garbage to clear out!
The trouble with this sort of unfavorable arrangement, so to speak, lies not in the fact that you have to clear out the mess you and your friends have made, but in the fact that you have to clear out the mess and fix what’s been broken quickly. Before your parents come back from their extended weekend holiday, for example.
Now, in order to make this happen, you’ll need some cleaning chemicals and some tools to do the job as quickly as possible, and some hands on deck ready to go a-scrubbin’!
In this article, we’ll give you a couple of tips on how to approach this delicate and time-sensitive task and perform it quickly, efficiently, and most importantly – before your parents arrive.
Right then party people, put your hands up in the air, put on some dance music, put on a pair of rubber gloves, and get cleanin’.
(A quick but important note: If you manage to enlist the help of some of your friends along the way, all the better.)
Before we move on with our pieces of advice, it may be helpful to note that all of these four steps you need to complete at a short notice. The main setting here is: you don’t have much time, so let’s get going as quickly as possible.
Now, before you start cleaning and throwing out the trash, make sure to gather all the necessary cleaning means and tools you’ll need for the task before you. Among these, you should include:
Vacuum cleaners! (Duh!)
First things first.
In order to relieve the rooms in your house of some of the gases and unpleasant odors that may have accumulated during the night, the easiest thing to do would be to simply open the windows and so allow the fresh air to enter.
So, after you’ve prepared your cleaning means, open up the doors and windows and get crackin’.
If you’ve prepared the party from yesterday the proper way, you probably now have a bunch of empty bottles strewn all across your floor. To get rid of them once and for all, approach this delicate task thus:
Jokes aside, getting rid of the bottles may require a bit more attention to detail, to be realistic. If the party’s been a success, chances are – there will be bottles beneath beds, in the bathroom, in the kitchen sink, AND on the roof. Make sure to find them all before the parents come back! (There’s a fun game you can play.)
Starting from the one farthest from the front door, start using your chemicals, water pails, brushes, and vacuum cleaners to get rid of the mess you made the previous night.
There’s no easy way to go about this, so roll your sleeves and put your back into it!
Wait, actually, there is a way to do it, at least when carpets are in question. You can always hire the help of some carpet cleaning services to do that part for you.
Other than that, as long as you’re willing to work hard and work fast, you can rest assured that your poor parents would be none the wiser about your last night exploits! Hope this article helped you organize yourself easier and we wish you a successful and swift cleaning session.