Removing heavy metal deposits from our body can be quite tricky. At certain amount, heavy metal can start to cause various medical conditions. Many kinds of major and minor illnesses are caused by mercury intoxication. When mercury and other heavy metal elements enter our body, they will be stored in fat cells and other tissues. There are medical and nutritional efforts that can help to remove toxic metals from inside our body. Metals could become an irritant to our physical system. During the detox process, heavy metals are usually collected from the blood stream by the liver. Heavy metal will be transferred to the intestines and removed along with stool. However during this process, there’s a possibility that heavy metal will be re-absorbed by your body. When it comes to mercury, yeast and bacteria could convert it into methyl mercury, which is more toxic.
Mercury may escape from dental filling and then absorbed by internal organs. Mercury can be deposited in lungs, nervous systems and worst of all, brain. Fish taken from coastal areas, especially near mining and industrial sites may contain higher level of mercury as well. When there’s too much mercury in brain, various problems can happen, such as chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalance, vulnerability to depression and impaired immunity.
There are programs with varying degree of effectiveness for eliminating toxic metals. A common method is the I.V. Chelation. In essence, chelation means binding and pulling out something. Mercury and other toxic metals replace essential nutrient minerals like zinc and calcium from our body. Full elimination won’t happen, until good mineral replace the bad one from our body. In order to remove mercury, we need a substance that firmly binds it, so mercury won’t be re-absorbed by our body. Fungi and yeast in out intestinal tract can absorb mercury quite easily. So, it is a good idea to maintain proper floral balance in our intestinal tract, to limit absorption of toxic metals. With the right substance, you can chelate toxic metals from your body. During the detox process, you will need to do toxic metal testing before and after a number of treatment sessions.
Hair mineral testing is used to determine the level of metal exposure in our body. Human hair is a good biological indicator for the amount of toxic metals in our body. In fact, hair is a more appropriate sample compared to urine or blood for determining trace elements. For urine test, you will need to provide two samples, the initial sample and the second sample 24 hours later, after your take DMPS or DMSA. Fecal metal testing is also a moderately useful way for monitoring the amount of metal in your body. Blood test is a good way to determine exposure to inorganic or element forms of mercury. With these mercury testing methods, you can confirm the suspected exposure. It will be easier to determine the potential causes of mercury, such as amalgam filling. You can increase the detox process by increasing calcium and zinc intake from food. Garlic, chlorella, cilantro, selenium and vitamin C-rich ingredients are helpful as well.