Business Hacks To Keep Your Data Safe

What Does Your Business Data Mean To You And Your Customers?

Your business data is all of your sensitive documents stored and collected by your business. This information can be in written form, but today, most data is collected online. Unfortunately, if your business fails to maintain sensitive business or personal customer data, it’s call a data breach. A data breach can cause you thousands of dollars in fines and sanctions. If an outsider (i.e. hacker) is responsible for your data breach it can also require recovery costs. The following blog discusses 5 ways your business can keep their data safe including VMware Backup solutions.

How Can My Business Keep Data Safe?

If you’re concerned with your data getting in the wrong hands, it’s important to keep that data securely. For example, who has access to your business data files? It may be necessary to restrict access to data files as a level of security. Depending on the size of your business, you can restrict access to data to a specific employee or group. In fact, restricted access can narrow down your risk of an in-house data breach among your staff. As employees are terminated or leave your business, immediately have their access to data restricted.

Properly Discard Old Infrastructure

Many businesses experience a data breach because they fail to discard their old infrastructure that holds sensitive information. According to the United States Federal Trade Commission, “businesses have a legal obligation to store and properly dispose of their sensitive business data.” Your infrastructure includes:

  • Computers
  • USB
  • Hard Drives
  • CD’s
  • Tablet

There are a number of ways a business can store data. Don’t risk being hacked! If you’re not sure what type of infrastructure houses your important data, speak with a professional for assistance.

Today, it takes more than deleting files to keep your business safe. Businessss have to invest in professional services like crushing or shredding the infrastructure that houses sensitive business data. Let’s talk more about how to safely store your business data.

House Your Data On A Few Devices

There’s no need to have your business data sprawled among several devices. If you want to keep your data safe, your business information should be stored on one main device and a backup network.

Protect Your Password

Protecting your business password is one of the safest ways to safeguard your personal information. Businesses of any size can use this tip to protect their data. In fact, changing your password quite often isn’t going to protect your data. The goal is to have a strong business password that only authorized personnel have access too. For some employees, it may be best to issue authorized cards to access business data.

Adopt Encryption

Small and large businesses alike fail to monitor their sensitive information on the “go.” For instance, when your customers trust you with their credit or debit card information, businesses should encrypt this information. Encryption protects personal information from being stored or readable by your employees. You can also encrypt your business passwords and other business data too.

Adopt An Employee Policy

Adopt an employee policy that regulates how your staff collects and stores data. With a policy in place, you can reprimand employees that don’t adhere to company policy associated with your data.

Use a Data Backup

At Enterprise Data Backup Solution, they provide their clients with a quick data backup solution that reduce their downtime and recovery cost. Customers can recover their data from a crashed or failed device. In the case of a data breach, recovery services is also an option.

By using a data backup software, your business also has access to constant monitoring. Monitoring gives you an opportunity to catch a data threat before it happens to avoid a liability. In fact, data recovery will also work in the event of a disaster. The system will assess and monitor your IT infrastructure to analyze your business data and find the right solution for your business.

The greatest concern with a data breach is the financial loss. Your data is a company asset that must be protected to avoid fines, sanctions, or the permanent loss of information.

You’re invited to contact Enterprise Data Backup Solutions for more details on your data recovery options today!